About the Film

The people on the land mass commonly referred to as “Canada” have been deceived and misinformed about its history for many decades. This film attempts to break the illusion, expose the fraud, educate the people about the true facts, and call the people to action to remedy the situation.

Facts, not opinions

This documentary film is based entirely on facts and not opinions. You are strongly encouraged to research and verify each fact. Follow the link called “Facts” in the top menu and you will get to the website of The Myth Is Canada, which has an abundance of true facts, historic details, and in-depth descriptions.

Traitors and Heroes

While John A. Macdonald was a traitor to the people, Russell Rogers Smith is one of the true heroes that helped set this land mass free, and who deserves proper attention and recognition. This film is dedicated to the work of Russell Rogers Smith.

Independence Day

December 11th should be celebrated as Independence Day each year because on that day in 1931, when the Statute of Westminster was passed, each Province and Territory became a sovereign nation state. This has not changed. July 1st has no significance.